Measles FAQ - 2025

What We Know

  • The Texas Department of State Health Services began reporting an outbreak of measles in the South Plains region of Texas late January 2025.
  • As of 3/7/25, there have been 198 confirmed cases of measles, including one death of an unvaccinated school-aged child.
    • The majority of these cases are in unvaccinated people.
    • Five occurred in vaccinated people.
  • An individual from the South Plains region area who was later diagnosed with measles visited San Marcos and San Antonio areas during the weekend of February 14th through 16th while contagious.

Tracking New Cases and Where They Occur

Frequently Asked Questions

General Measles Questions

I don't know very much about measles. Can you give me a run down?

  • Measles is a highly contagious respiratory illness spread through infected droplets or airborne particles when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or breathes.
  • The virus can remain infectious in the air for up to two hours.
  • Symptoms, including high fever, cough, runny nose, and red eyes appear 1-2 weeks after exposure, followed by a rash starting on the face and spreading.
  • A person is contagious from four days before to four days after the rash appears.

What if my child gets measles? Will they be ok?

  • 80–85% of children recover without serious complications, though the illness itself can be very unpleasant.
  • 15–20% of children develop at least one complication, such as pneumonia, ear infections, or diarrhea.
  • 1 in 1,000 cases develops encephalitis (brain swelling), which can lead to long-term neurological damage or death.

Apart from vaccinating, what precautions should I take?

  • We are not currently experiencing a measles outbreak in Austin or Dallas, so you should take the same precautions you normally would during cold and flu season.

How do we protect someone under 6 months old from measles?

  • In the same way we protect them from all contagious illnesses:
    • Ensure caregivers and family are fully vaccinated
    • Avoid extremely crowded areas when possible
    • Avoid airplane travel to high-risk areas
    • Ask visitors to be fully vaccinated and avoid visiting if they are sick
    • If you're breastfeeding, continue to do so if possible

Should I avoid putting my child in daycare until they are able to get the MMR vaccine at 6 months?

  • This precaution is unnecessary given the many ways we can protect these children discussed in the previous question.

Routine MMR Vaccination

When is the MMR vaccine typically given? Is my child up to date?

  • The MMR vaccine is a two shot series.
    • MMR #1 (MMR-II) is given at 12 months
    • MMR #2 (ProQuad) is given at 4 years as a combo vaccine with varicella (MMR-Varicella).
  • If you are a member of Modern Pediatrics, your child received dose #1 at the 12 month visit, and dose #2 at the 4 year visit.
  • You can access your child's vaccine record through the app, or it can be provided upon request.
    • Dose #1 is listed under "MMR"
    • Dose #2 is listed under "MMR-Varicella"

How much protection does each shot provide?

  • One dose of MMR vaccine is 93% effective against measles.
    • 93% of children are fully immune after their first dose.
  • Two doses of MMR vaccine are 97% effective against measles.
    • 97% of children are fully immune after two doses.

Everyone in our home is fully vaccinated against MMR. Do we need additional booster doses?

  • No, additional doses are not recommended beyond the 2-dose series.

How worried should I be if my child received the first dose, but isn't due for the second dose yet?

  • 93% of children are fully immune after just one dose, so the odds are high your child is fully immune already.

Can a fully vaccinated person still contract measles?

  • It's much less likely, but still possible.
  • Infected people who were vaccinated are:
    • Less likely to have a dangerous infection
    • Less likely to spread infection to other people
    • More likely to experience milder symptoms

Early MMR Vaccination

Do you recommend I vaccinate my child early?

  • We follow the CDC guidance, which recommends early MMR vaccination in cases of an outbreak where the child lives.
    • The CDC is not currently recommending early vaccination in Austin or Dallas.
    • If that changes, we will communicate the new recommendations to our families right away.

If I want to vaccinate my child early, how should I go about doing so?

  • Austin families: We've partnered with two local pharmacies to facilitate early administration for our families who would like to pursue this option.
    • You can book directly through their websites:
    • As a patient of Modern Pediatrics, your child will already have a prescription for this vaccine on file with both pharmacies.
      • Let them know you're with our practice, and they will confirm the prescription in their system.
  • Dallas families: Please text us for the best early vaccination option.
  • If you have a well visit coming up, we're happy to administer the early MMR at that visit as well.
    • Please text us before the day of your visit so we know to bring an extra MMR dose.

My child hasn't turned 1 year old yet. Can I vaccinate them early? How early can this happen?

  • Yes, dose #1 can be given as early as 6 months of life.

If my child gets their first MMR dose early, do they still need the 12 month dose?

  • Yes, an early MMR dose does not replace the 12 month dose, so they would still need to receive MMR at the 12 month visit.

If my child gets their first MMR dose early, can I delay the 12 month dose?

  • Our vaccine policy does not allow delayed vaccine schedules, including the 12 month MMR dose if you elect to give them their first MMR dose early.
    • Two doses of MMR are safe and effective as long as they are separated by at least 4 weeks.

My child had their first MMR dose at 12 months, but hasn't turned 4 years old yet. Can I get them the second dose early? How early can this happen?

  • Yes, dose #2 can be given early, as long as it has been at least 4 weeks since they received the 12 month MMR dose.

If my child gets their second MMR dose early, do they still need the 4 year dose?

  • No, an early dose #2 of MMR completes the series, as long as it was given at least 4 weeks after the 12 month dose.

Is an early dose of MMR safe?

  • Yes, an early dose of MMR is safe for children 6 months and older.

Is an early dose of MMR effective?

  • The MMR vaccine is ~60% effective at 6 months of life
    • ~60% of children who receive their first dose at 6 months are fully immune

Are there adverse effects to getting an extra dose of MMR vaccine? Is there a downside to giving it early?

  • No, just the short term side effects discussed in the following question.
  • As noted below, it's unlikely your insurance will pay for an early MMR dose, so there is also a small financial consideration for your family.

What side effects should I expect?

  • 5-15% of children experience one of the following short term side effects:
    • Increased fussiness due to pain or fever (100.4+) can occur at any time during the 72 hours afterward.
    • Delayed fever and rash that show up 1-2 weeks afterward.
      • The rash is not contagious, itchy, or painful and resolves without treatment within 7 days.

Will my insurance pay for an early MMR dose given before 12 months?

  • It's unlikely your insurance will pay for an early MMR dose received outside of an outbreak.
  • Please expect your out of pocket cost to be approximately $90.