Flat Head Syndrome

Flat Head Syndrome

  • Some babies develop flattening of the head (usually on the back left or back right).
  • If uncorrected, this may require a helmet to mold the head back to normal.

What Causes Flat Head Syndrome?

Preventing Flat Head Syndrome

  • There are several important ways you can prevent this problem from developing:
    • Avoid the baby containers listed above.
    • Tummy time all the time, starting at two weeks of life.
      • Tummy time is the foundation for gross and fine motor development in the first year of life.
        • When
          • Whenever she is awake and quiet.
          • These periods happen more often starting at 2 weeks of life.
        • How long
          • Leave your baby in tummy time until she begins to cry.
          • We want your baby to "feel the burn" from the exercise!
        • Technique
          • Place your baby in the push up position on a hard, flat surface.
            • Many parents make the mistake of choosing a surface that is too soft, which prevents baby from generating the force needed to hold their head and chest off the mat.
          • Keep your baby's head facing forward.
          • When she moves her face to one side of the other, move it back to center position.
    • Alternate the arm you hold your baby in, generally speaking and in regards to bottle feeding.
      • This way they won't always be looking in the same direction (up at you!).
    • Rotate your baby 180ยบ in the sleep environment every night.
      • Babies look toward familiar smells, sounds, and sights.
      • Rotating your baby ensures these cues are on both sides from night to night.