Vaccine Reactions


  • Ibuprofen is not safe for children less than 6 months of age
  • Acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol) can be given every 4 hours
  • Ibuprofen (e.g. Motrin or Advil) can be given every 6 hours
  • Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are equally effective

Normal Side Effects of Vaccines

The following are normal side effects of vaccines. They are temporary and do not cause permanent damage.

  • Fever
    • Temperature over 100.4F in the first 72 hours after the vaccines
    • Fever is not dangerous
    • Acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol) can be given every 4 hours
    • Ibuprofen (e.g. Motrin or Advil) can be given every 6 hours
    • For comfort, you can also try warm baths, skin-to-skin time, and feeding
    • There is no need to dress your baby differently
  • Fussiness/Crying
    • In the first 72 hours after the vaccines
    • Acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol) can be given every 4 hours
    • Ibuprofen (e.g. Motrin or Advil) can be given every 6 hours
    • For comfort, you can also try warm baths, skin-to-skin time, and feeding
  • Extra Sleepy
    • In the first 72 hours after the vaccines
    • This is your baby’s natural response to pain
    • Acetaminophen (e.g.Tylenol) can be given every 4 hours
    • Ibuprofen (e.g. Motrin or Advil) can be given every 6 hours
  • Not Feeding as Well
    • In the first 72 hours after the vaccines
    • Acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol) can be given every 4 hours
    • Ibuprofen (e.g. Motrin or Advil) can be given every 6 hours
  • Redness at the Injection Site
    • May last up to 4 days
    • More likely with each successive round of vaccines
    • Warm compress, warm bath, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen may soothe any discomfort
  • Lump Under the Skin at the Injection Site
    • Due to bleeding under the skin
    • May take several weeks to resolve, but the lump will not be permanent

Contact Modern Pediatrics If:

  • Fever lasts more than 72 hours after the vaccines are given
  • Redness at the injection site is spreading
  • More than 8 hours without a wet diaper
  • Crying inconsolably for more than 2 hours in a row, and you’ve already tried the pain control measures mentioned above
  • Something else not mentioned above is alarming you

Weight-Based Dosing Table

Weight 6-11 lb 12-17 lb  18-23 lb 24-35 lb 36-47 lb
Children’s Acetaminophen
(e.g. Tylenol) 160 mg/5 ml
1.25ml (40mg) 2.5ml (80mg) 3.75ml (120mg) 5ml (160mg) 7.5ml (240mg)
Infant Ibuprofen
(e.g. Motrin or Advil) 50 mg/1.25 ml
n/a 1.25ml (50mg) 1.875ml (75mg) 2.5ml (100mg) 3.75ml (150mg)
Children’s Ibuprofen
n/a 2.5ml (50mg) 4ml (75mg) 5ml (100mg) 7.5ml (150mg)