Around days 3-5 it can be common to feel engorgement, or painful fullness, in your breasts.
They can feel swollen and firm to the touch
Sometimes causes a flattened nipple making it difficult for baby to latch
This is swelling is caused by fluids building up in the breast tissue, not breastmilk
But this is a good sign that breastmilk is "coming in" and being produced!
How do you treat this?
Most importantly- increase milk removal from the breast, either via breastfeeding, hand expression, or pumping.
Have baby latch as often as possible- aim for 10-12 times per day
Pumping (on a gentle vacuum/cycle) can also help relieve some pressure and be more comfortable
Lie flat and massage breasts toward armpits to improve fluid drainage
Apply cool/cold compresses or raw cabbage leaves to the breasts after feeding/pumping for 15 minutes
This reduces swelling and should help with the pain
Use NSAIDs as needed for pain (Ibuprofen, Motrin, etc)
How can I get baby to latch when engorged?
Try reverse pressure softening - place the pads of fingers around your nipple and press back toward the chest for 30 seconds, then rotate your finger position and do the same thing again.
This pushes the edema away from the nipple and helps evert the nipple so baby can latch on