Oral Rehydration Therapy
Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT)
During the vomiting phase of acute gastroenteritis (AGE), some children will vomit everything you give them. If this happens, it’s important to offer small, frequent amounts of fluids. Even though they will probably vomit these small, frequent amounts, the stomach will absorb some of the fluid before the vomiting occurs. This helps prevent dehydration. The best fluid for your child varies by age and whether they are breastmilk or formula fed. The following guide also explains when to restart a normal diet.
Babies (Birth to 12 Months)
- PLEASE NOTE: If your baby is younger than 2 months old and vomits with ALL feedings, call us immediately
Breastfed Babies
- Vomiting everything you offer:
- Breastfeed for 5 minutes for every 30 minutes
- If bottle feeding breast milk, give 30 mL every 30 minutes
- After 4 hours without vomiting:
- Return to regular breastfeeding
- If vomiting returns:
- Go back to the first step
- If longer than 8 hours without a wet diaper, call us immediately
Formula-fed Babies
- Vomiting everything you offer:
- Give 10 mL formula every 15–20 minutes
- Okay to use pedialyte for > 6 month-olds if baby does tolerate formula
- After 4 hours without vomiting:
- Double the amount of formula every 15-20 minutes
- After 8 hours without vomiting:
- Return to regular amounts and frequency of formula feedings
- If vomiting returns:
- Go back to the first step
- If longer than 8 hours without a wet diaper, call us immediately
Kids & Teens (Ages 1+)
- Vomiting everything you offer:
- Give clear liquids in small amounts ( 10 - 30 mL) every 15 minutes.
- Ice chips or sips of water
- Pedialyte
- Frozen Pedialyte popsicles
- Broth
- Jello
- After 4 hours without vomiting:
- Double the amount every 15 minutes
- After 8 hours without vomiting:
- Return to regular diet
- Whatever healthy food they want to eat or drink
- Do not force any foods; your child will tell you when he or she is hungry
- If vomiting returns:
- Go back to the first step
- If longer than 8 hours without urinating, call us immediately